Who was `Abdu'l-Bahá, and why did He come to the West?

Monday, January 2, 2012


YES!  The year is here, at last. How long have we waited for this blessed year?

I hadn't planned to blog any more on this site; the travels were over; I could finally shift gears to the Wilmette Institute course on the Master I am co-teaching; it was rather a relief to be free of Mahmud and other sources, for awhile.

But then we went to Florida to the SED conference and presented on our film and on the Master's Journey and how to translate into action what He began. . . . One friend said he had just discovered the blog--and I shouldn't end it--after all, I was a year early!

So, now I'm inspired, to allude to the mysterious forces that keep this topic current and even futuristic. So much still to discover and learn. . . .

Have YOU read 'Abdu'l-Baha in Their Midst? A great new book from George Ronald.  So many new stories and combinations of details. . . . Priceless.

Every day a new discovery.  See our other blog to learn about one pertaining to Lincoln Park in Chicago!   http://film-abdul-baha-in-america.blogspot.com